Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What College Students want Incoming Freshmen to Know

What College Students want Incoming Freshmen to Know

Dearest Freshmen,
     As I am preparing to go back to school, I can't lie, I'm getting pretty pumped! I leave my home, my friends and my family behind to go back across the country and I am absolutely, 100% thrilled. I can remember back to my grade school years dreading the back to school commercials and that first day back and the end of summer. The thing about going back to college is, it's like summer never ends! 
     Sure, the weather will eventually get brutally cold eventually and there will be class and tests and papers, college is the 4(+) years where you are always hanging out with friends and there will always be something to do. So freshman, GET EXCITED!
     But there's something very special about that freshman year of college that you don't really find in your other years of college because everything is so new (unless of course you transfer or something). As much as I am excited to go back to school this year, things will not be the same as when I was a freshman and I'm kinda bummed about it. So, this is my advice to you, as college freshman (especially those at BYU), to make the most of your very unique experience.

Meet Everyone

Welcome week, move in, freshman weekend, whatever your school calls it, this is the best time to meet everyone you can. It's perfect because everyone at this point is very open to meeting new people, making new friends and the best part is whatever you're feeling (scared, excited, nervous, anxious) everyone else there is probably going through the exact same thing. You'd be surprised how many people you have a lot in common with. So meet everyone. Don't just find one small group of people and call it good. Get the phone number of that really cool person you share a hobby in common with who also has a car. Invite them to go do that activity sometime (and maybe they can drive you). Ask if you can tag along in a group that's playing sand volleyball that first night. You never know who you might get along with best and trust me, friend groups and the people you get meals with change so many times between welcome week and the last day of school. 

Get Involved

I know this is pretty cliche, but if you don't find one thing to drag a friend or roommate to every Tuesday night, you might find it hard to get out on a weeknight and find things to do. This also allows you to meet people you may have never even run into before. I met a lot of people just by auditioning for one of the choirs, being in a concert band, and attending ASL club once a week. At BYU they have club night every Tuesday where any club from country line dancing to ping pong meet just to do something fun with other people and make new friendships. If you're not one who's comfortable going to club meetings alone, find a roommate or someone in your hallway who might be interested in a hobby you enjoy. Invite them to go to club night early on and they will most likely be very thrilled to have plans and someone to do them with. 

Do Your Research

And yes, research for a project is important, but I'm not talking about that kind of research. I'm talking about your campus and places near by. Don't have a car? Know the good restaurants and events going on around campus that you can walk to. When does that really good food place have half priced fries? (Probably Friday) Where's the best smoothie place in town? It's good to make a list of places that you would like to visit and activities going on throughout the year so that you can be able to make exciting plans for your slow nights. There were so many places I wish I would have known were within walking distance from my dorm in August rather than April when I was too worried about finals to go rollerskating for $1. Fridays would have become a tradition a lot sooner with my squad had we known that the most amazing fries ever were only like $1. Ask your tour leaders, your RAs, and older students where the cool places are. What should I do before I go home for Christmas? What are your favorite places to spend a Friday night? Make sure you write them down for future reference.

Limit Your Binge

I too have caught myself in a habit where pushing the "next episode" button became the most eventful thing I did that night. Criminal Minds is my Binge of choice. Netflix is amazing, especially for those late nights where you can't sleep, watching movies with friends late at night, or for those nights where everyone else seems to be busy and you're left in your room alone for the night. But don't let the urge to finish that season of Gilmore Girls keep you from seeking to make plans, study, or get out of your room just to go to a class or to get a meal. When you're looking forward to cuddling up in bed every night, laptop and all, you can miss out on some really fun opportunities. I can't tell you how many times just me having my door open or being on a walk down the hallway has led to a spontaneous, super awesome adventure I would have not experienced had I decided to pull up Netflix. I'm not saying don't renew your subscription because you'll never get out, I'm saying you need to get outside sometimes so that you are available to make plans. You can't always rely on a text from a buddy on the other side of campus to have plans this Friday night. 

Do it All

Now, this might look a little different for you depending on what you are expecting out of your freshman year or what you imagine it to be like, but hear me out. Make a bucket list. I know it's cheesy, but just do it. Make it look nice and hang it up somewhere you'll be able to see it often. You're more likely to actually do it if you write it out and display it. Anytime you find yourself with a lot of free time or you feel like your year is just flying by, check your list. Put stars or checks by the things you've done and make a note of those things you still want to do but haven't done. That night swim in a hot spring still sound like a good idea? Great! Round up some friends one night and do it! Still want to go stargazing? Great! Grab some pillows, blankets and buddies and do it! You will feel like you got so much more out of freshman year doing something that you really wanted to do at the beginning of the year, and being able to see all the things you checked off. Don't forget to take pictures or videos to look back on later!

Those are the things I think are most important to making your freshman year a lot of fun. Just be you, get out there and put in some effort looking. It's college, a good time can't be too far away! Live it up, have fun and Go Cougs!

-Brittany Stamas